Monday, August 3, 2009

21st century communication

I have learned a tremendous amount of information within a short period of time that helps me to understand more about the digital palette and its relevant in this the 21st century. Some of the new things I have learn is the difference between the paper palette and the digital palette. While the paper palette is mostly reading and writing the digital palette has various branches that equips one to use sensors, create 2D animation, to create composition via the Garage band application; to create videos incorporating sounds and pictures; to creating images and frames and so on. I truly appreciate gaining these skills as well as to learn how to apply them. These applications will be useful to me for enhancing my teaching learning environment. My continuous practice of these skills will help me to be more efficient in my using of technology and to help my students as well as other.

I also learned how to access different websites and to create my own.

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