Monday, August 3, 2009

Garage Band

Hey guys,

I learned about his really cool application called garageband. It is awesome. You can use this to create different genres of music. You can select the different types of instrument you want in your composition and edit your composition to suit you.

The really great thing about this application is that you can record your voice or external sounds.
You can use this with your students to indicate changes in their reading. you can also use it as a motivation tool to help them become more comfortable with recording and listening to their own voice. children can experiment making their own voice as they can select different vocal representations.

It is really worth your time.


  1. I do like this application too, but as I mentioned in my entry, we don't have much access to Mac PC's back home

  2. You're just as excited as I am about garage band. Way to go girl!
