Monday, August 3, 2009


Most all information needed can be derived from a computer, not just in written language but audio as well. This knowledge is not really new to me, what really is, is the idea of being tutored free of cost in audio form!

This new found knowledge has prompted me to continue upgrading my self in areas outside of teaching- AT NO COST TO ME!

T he most outstanding or exciting moment of the course for me is having used a sound software such as garage band to put sound to a poem, my students are going to be all excited about this; I definitely am going to teach them this skill.

Having done the assignment where we created a web page, our area was sound, this is where I learnt that there are many sound software out there; this knowledge has ceased the concern I had in the back of my mind that i just may not be able to access garage band back home- in other words I have options.

Youtube is a helpful video website, and has become a new and close friend of mine, since it can be utilized for a range of different learning opportunities.

My thinking has become more colourful since I have now realized how possible it is to make a lesson more interesting and appealing to the students.

In my experience of teaching in the classroom I often times became quite frustrated because the google search software does not provide me much information as would be necessary in the specific area of search. Video editing has proven the aspect of the digital palette, that I know will along with sound, be utilized most by me. My students' interest levels are peaked by what they see and hear.

I don't regret having remained a student of this class!

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